In some areas, we offer tailored support for people experiencing housing, wellbeing or financial difficulty. 

Our outreach service helps thousands of people every year to improve their lives and futures.

Zoe Photo

Zoe's story 

With £25,000 debt and £1,600 in overdue rent and council tax, Zoe’s family home was up for re-possession. 

Find out how we helped Zoe avoid eviction

Esther Photo

Esther's story

My [PIP] application was refused and I was told I didn't qualify for a number of reasons.

Find out how we helped Esther claim her benefits 

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Levi's story

I was very sick and scared about having nowhere to go once my [hospital] treatment was up. 

Learn how we helped Levi find a home after hospital

Victor Image 2

Victor's story

“After I fled domestic violence last year, I was living in my car for three months. 

See how we helped Victor off the streets 

Arjun Photo

Arjun's story 

After Arjun had an industrial accident, he went through a divorce and his children turned against him.

Find out how we helped Arjun move to safety

Kim Photo

Kim's story

“I honestly believe if it wasn't for my support worker, I would have been made homeless.  

How we helped Kim improve her finances and bid for a home  

Ellie Photo 2

Ellie's story

Ellie dropped out of university to help reduce her mum’s debt and avoid losing her home. 

Find out how we supported Ellie

Older Person

John's story

John, one of our residents, moved into residential care due to alcohol-related dementia and issues with self-neglect.

Discover how we helped John turn his life around.

Schem Manager, Karen S

Karen's story

Karen, one of our scheme managers, shares a glimpse into her role looking after residents who experience dementia.

Learn how Karen helps residents with dementia.

Binta Mental Health (1)

Binta's story

Binta, one of our support workers, discusses the importance of one-to-one key worker sessions with residents.

Discover how Binta supports the wellbeing of residents

Need urgent help?

If you need urgent support or just want to talk to someone, you can call 116 123 at any time of day or night to speak to the Samaritans.