Gas safety advice for residents

Faulty gas appliances or pipework can cause carbon monoxide poisoning and fires. Both can be deadly. 

That’s why your boiler, meter, cooker and any other gas appliances must be checked and serviced every year by an accredited Gas Safe registered engineer.

If you rent your home from us, it's essential that you give our engineers access so they can check everything is safe and working properly.

What to do if you smell gas:

  • Call the National Gas Emergency number 0800 111 999.
  • Don’t smoke or light matches.
  • Don’t turn any electrical switches on or off.
  • Open doors and windows.
  • If you can, turn the meter off.

Gas safety checks – who’s responsible and how does it work?


  • It’s our responsibility as a landlord to check the gas pipework, flues and any gas appliances we provide in the homes we rent every year.
  • You’re responsible for getting your own gas appliances, such as cookers, checked each year by an engineer who's on the Gas Safe Register. Our contractors will carry out a visual assessment and make a note on the Landlord’s Gas Safety Record.
  • We employ contractors to carry out the checks on our behalf. All of their engineers are registered with Gas Safe.
  • The contractor will contact you beforehand to arrange a convenient time to carry out the check. You must let them into your home.
  • If you prefer, you can contact us on 0300 123 3456 or contact us to book or re-arrange the visit.
  • If you'd like to check the credentials of the engineer or the contractor, please call the Gas Safe Register on 0800 408 5500 or visit Gas Safe Register.
  • After the service, you’ll receive a certificate called a Landlord’s Gas Safety Record that confirms the results of the check.


  • Whether you own your home outright or are a shared owner, you’re responsible for maintaining your gas appliances and having them checked and serviced every year by an engineer registered with Gas Safe.
  • You can find details of qualified engineers in your area on the Gas Safe Register.
  • If you don’t arrange for the checks to be carried out each year, you may be in breach of your lease agreement.


If you’re a homeowner and you sublet your home, you have additional responsibilities under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998. You must:

  • Make sure gas appliances, pipe work and flues are in a safe condition.
  • Keep records of safety checks for at least two years.
  • Make sure your tenant is given a copy of the Landlord's Gas Safety Record – the annual gas check certificate, also called a CP12 – within 28 days of the inspection.
  • Make sure new tenants receive copies of the most recent landlord's gas safety record before they move in.

For more information, you can:

Fire exit sign

Fire safety

Keeping our residents and buildings safe from fire.
Man checking electrics

Electrical safety

Electrical safety advice for residents.

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