We are committed to delivering 985 new homes, including 60% affordable housing.

In partnership with London Square and the Mayor of London, we want our development to become a place that the whole community is proud of with new homes, community facilities, open space and a Women’s Building.

Find out more about the properties for sale at Holloway Park

The Women’s Building

The Women’s Building is a unique element of our development proposals and links to the site’s history and previous use.

Peabody in Islington

We have a long history of providing affordable homes and community services in Islington, working alongside Islington Council and local partners.

Prison history

Holloway Prison opened in 1852 as a mixed-sex prison but became a female-only prison due to a growing demand for space for female prisoners.

The project team

Our design team have extensive experience in delivering complex projects that meet the needs of communities and stand the test of time.

Do you have a question? Here's how to contact us.

Email: info@hollowaypark.co.uk

Phone 0333 666 0104

Website sales: www.hollowaypark.co.uk

Website community: www.hollowayparkcommunity.co.uk

Press: communications@peabody.org.uk