The Women’s Building is a unique element of our development proposals and links to the site’s history and previous use.

As a minimum, this seeks to re-provide the support services to vulnerable women that were previously provided on-site when the Prison was operational. There is scope to provide a range of services and facilities and this continues to be explored.

We have been working closely with Islington Council and a range of local groups and interest groups to discuss the scope for the Women’s Building. This work is ongoing. We have fed into a draft Design Brief, which is being prepared by Islington Council to guide the design process. This will be consulted on by Islington Council shortly.

View the exhibition boards form our most recent Women’s Building public workshop event.

Prison history

Holloway Prison opened in 1852 as a mixed-sex prison but became a female-only prison due to a growing demand for space for female prisoners.

Peabody in Islington

We have a long history of providing affordable homes and community services in Islington, working alongside Islington Council and local partners.

The project team

Our design team have extensive experience in delivering complex projects that meet the needs of communities and stand the test of time.