Help if you’re experiencing domestic abuse
Domestic abuse can take many forms and can happen to anyone, regardless of age, sex, disability, ethnicity or sexual orientation.
It is estimated that one in four women and one in six men will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. You’re not alone and we’re here to help. Find out more about what to do and where to find help if you or someone you know is experiencing abuse.
What is domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse means any incident, or patterns of incidents, between connected people aged 16 and above. By connected we usually mean a partner, ex-partner, or a family member (for example, elder abuse or adolescent to parent abuse).
The abuse can be:
- Physical or sexual abuse.
- Violent or threatening behaviour.
- Controlling or coercive behaviour.
- Economic abuse.
- Psychological, emotional or other abuse.
We have a dedicated team of specialist call handlers who’ve received additional training in domestic abuse. They’ll listen and take your concerns seriously. Our customer hub is open 8am to 8pm Monday-Friday.
What action can you take?
Speak to us
Don’t suffer in silence – you’re not alone and we’re here to help you. You can use the form below or call us on 0300 123 3456 to speak with someone from our Resident Wellbeing Team. The action plan that we create will be created with your knowledge and input.
Contact the police
We know that not everyone wants to report abuse to the police. But we do encourage you to do so and can support you with reporting if that would help. They’ll be able to talk to you about your options and what steps they can take to protect and support you.
Get legal advice
We recommend that you get your own legal advice. This is particularly important for housing advice if you have a joint tenancy, are a joint leaseholder or joint homeowner with the person who is abusing you.
You can contact Citizens Advice Bureau, Shelter or Rights of Women for advice and also find out if you can receive legal aid.
Visit a safe space
UK SAYS NO MORE is working with pharmacies, such as Boots, Superdrug, Morrisons and Well pharmacies, banks and selected jobcentres across the UK to provide Safe Spaces in their consultation rooms for people experiencing domestic abuse. You can use a Safe Space in whichever way works for you. They provide a safe and discreet way to reach out to friends and family, contact specialist support services and start your journey to recovery.
We have Safe Spaces available at:
- Darwin Court – 1 Crail Row, London, SE17 1AD
- The Nest – 3 Cygnet Square, Thamesmead, London SE2 9FA
- Pembury Community Centre, Atkins Square, Dalston Lane, Hackney E8 1FA
- Unity Centre – 103 Church Road, London NW10 9EG
Contact a specialist domestic abuse service
Most boroughs have a dedicated service for people experiencing domestic abuse. Find your local authority to look up what local services there are in your area.
If it’s safe to do so you may wish to download the Bright Sky app, to help you find support services near you.
Some services are UK - wide, such as specialist services for male victims, or LGBT+ victims. These services usually provide a helpline number and some even have live chat functions. Visit our Support Finder for a list of local and national support available.
By and for services
By and for services offer support provided by teams aligned with the people they're helping. For example, an organisation led by black women for other black women and their children. If you’re working with one of our specialists, they’ll include any contact with by and for services as part of your action plan.
Some services that could help you
There are many local and national services offering specialist support for people experiencing abuse, violence or trauma:
Refuge’s national 24-hour helpline supports women and children experiencing domestic abuse and offers confidential, female-led, and impartial advice.
The National Centre for Domestic Abuse gives free and immediate advice to help women obtain protection from perpetrators.
Galop works directly with thousands of LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence every year.
Karma Nirvana supports victims and survivors of forced marriage and honour-based abuse.
Southall Black Sisters provides advice and information on domestic abuse, racial harassment, welfare and immigration.
Respond supports people with learning disabilities or autism who have experienced trauma and abuse.
Stay Safe East helps deaf and disabled people experiencing domestic abuse and hate crime
Sistah Space assists African and Caribbean heritage women affected by domestic and sexual abuse.
IKWRO provides specialist support for Middle Eastern, North African (MENA) and Afghan women and girls living in the UK, who are at risk of honour-based abuse and other forms of violence against women and girls.
ManKind Initiative assists male victims of domestic abuse by giving those affected direct support
Hourglass provides confidential services and gives information and support to any older person or anyone concerned about an older person who is at risk of, experiencing or recovering from any form of abuse or neglect.
SignHealth has a specialist domestic abuse service to support deaf people in finding safety and security.
Get in touch if you need support
Alternatively, you can call us on 0300 123 3456 to speak with someone from our Resident Safety and ASB Hub.
In an emergency, please call the police on 999.
If you’re getting in touch about a neighbour that you’re concerned about, please use our Raise a concern form.
If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, please read our advice on how to stay safe online.
What happens after you contact us?
Once you’ve contacted us a specialist from our Resident Safety and ASB hub will be in touch within two working days. They’ll assess your current situation and create an action plan with you.
Your action plan
Your action plan will set out what steps we’ll take to investigate your case and how we’ll support you. We’ll provide you with a copy of this action plan if it is safe to do so. Some examples of action we can take include increasing the security at your home, advising you of your housing options and signposting you to other services that can help i.e. for civil orders, legal advice or counselling.
Safer communication
We can meet you in private at our offices or, if you’d prefer, at a different agreed safe place such as a café or community centre. We’ll also agree how we can stay in touch with you in a safe way. If you need an interpreter, we can arrange this.
Advice and information
We know that every case is different. We’ll advise you of what options you have, based on your individual circumstances. We’ll also offer to refer you a specialist domestic abuse service that meets your needs.
Assessing the risks
With your cooperation, we’ll carry out a domestic abuse risk assessment with you. This helps us understand your situation better and to advise you of your options.
Keeping your information private
We won’t share your information with anyone without your permission unless there are serious concerns for your safety, or the safety of any children or other people, such as our colleagues or members of the public.
To make sure you get the right support we may work with other agencies such as Women’s Aid, Refuge, Victim Support, the police and local authorities. Where appropriate, we may also make a referral to a multi-agency risk assessment conference (MARAC).
We understand if you’re more comfortable talking about your case to someone who is the same sex as you. Please let us know if you want to speak to someone of the same sex and we will arrange this for you if we can.