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Protect yourself from scams and risky deals


There has been a recent rise in ‘no win, no fee’ solicitors contacting residents in their homes.

Published: 30/05/2024

Some of these solicitor firms find people who have been involved in accidents or have issues. They tend to promise quick, easy compensation with no upfront costs. 

While this might sound appealing, it’s important to be aware of the risks of these services. We care about you and want to make sure you have the information needed to make safe, informed decisions. 

Contact us 

We recognise that we don't always get things right. If you’re not happy with the level of service we’ve provided, please use the online form to let us know. You can call us too on 0300 1233456 and speak to one of our dedicated contact centre team. They’ll work with you to resolve issues as quickly as possible. 

If you want to make a complaint about your experience, you can contact us or call 0300 1233456 and speak to one of our contact centre team, who will log the complaint for you.  

Read the small print 

Some solicitors promise ‘no win, no fee’ services. This means they only get paid if you win your case. While this might seem like a win-win situation, it’s crucial to read the small print.

These solicitors often take a significant percentage of your compensation as their fee. In some cases, this can be as high as 25-40%. There may also be hidden costs that can cause you to end up out of pocket. 

Do your research 

In some cases, a solicitor may contact you, promising quick settlements and encouraging you to exaggerate or falsify claims. This can lead to serious legal consequences, including the potential for fraud charges.  

You can use websites such as Trust Pilot to find more information about the solicitor you are working with. You can also contact organisations such as Citizen’s Advice to get more information about your rights. 

If you need help or have any concerns or would like to raise an issue or complaint, please always contact us. 


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