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Keeping your home free from condensation and mould


Making sure all our homes and buildings are maintained to a safe and comfortable standard is one of our top priorities.

Published: 07/12/2023

Damp and mould can affect any home, with condensation being one of the most common causes in most buildings.

What is condensation?

Condensation starts as moisture in the air. It's usually produced by cooking, showering and bathing or by drying clothes indoors or on radiators. Signs of condensation include water and mould collecting on ceilings, walls, and windows.

All homes suffer from condensation from time to time, but severe condensation is common in cold weather and older homes. If left unchecked, it can cause severe problems.

How to reduce condensation

There are three main ways you can reduce and control condensation issues in your home:

  1. Produce less moisture - cover pans when you're cooking and open kitchen and bathroom windows to allow excess steam to escape. 
  2. Increase ventilation - don't cover ventilation bricks and open vent windows for a short time each day. 
  3. Keep your home warm – Keep radiators clear to allow air to circulate and reduce draughts from windows and doors as much as possible.

What if the condensation and mould issues won't go away?

Looking after your home is a joint effort, and we'll work with you to make sure everything we're responsible for is looked after as it should be.

If you have condensation or mould issues that won't go away even after you've tried all the recommended lifestyles changes, tips, and suggestions, please contact us. We'll arrange for one of our surveyors to visit your home to investigate the cause of the problem and raise any necessary repair orders.

Need more support?

We’re here to help you keep warm and save money and support you with any financial and wellbeing concerns you may have. Visit our supporting you and winter-ready pages to learn more.

Hand with glove and sponge cleaning

Report damp, mould and condensation

If you're experiencing damp and mould issues in your home, please get in touch with us immediately.
Man photographing mould in a bathroom

Making sure your home is warm, safe and dry 

Find more tips for producing less moisture, increasing ventilation and keeping your home warm.

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