Woman sitting next to a duck and smiling

Last Easter, our customers incubated duck eggs at Avalon House in Essex, a care home for adults with learning disabilities, epilepsy and dysphagia.

Published: 16/07/2021

Our Care Support Worker Charli showed our customers how to care for the eggs, and how an egg transforms into a duck.

Michelle, Team Manager shared with us: "This was a lovely educational and pet therapy activity and an experience for our customers to remember. We have three ducks which we all look after and have freshly laid eggs every day."

When the eggs were incubating, our customers helped put some water in the incubator to keep the humidity and the temperature just right for 25 days. After the second week the team used a strong light to show the growth inside the egg. Around week three there were cracks in the eggs and the customers were very excited to see what was going to happen - they could hear small chirps from inside.

On April 4, three eggs hatched and were named Dexter, Jordan and Donald. The customers fed, watered and held them every day, so the ducks are very social and are extremely friendly around people.

Barbara, who lives at Avalon, said: "I like to feed them from my hand as it tickles."

Michael told us he likes giving them his leftover food - especially his banana’s, and that they make him laugh.

Sylvia told us she likes to watch them swimming in the pool they are funny.

We asked Michelle what's next for Avalon and she said they're looking to add rabbits and guinea pigs to the scheme.


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