Supporting those affected by domestic abuse

Even though lockdown restrictions are now starting to ease, we still need to recognise domestic abuse and respond to it safely and effectively.
Published: 23/04/2021
It has been just over a year since the first lockdown was put in place when our movements were restricted as never before. No one had experienced these sorts of limitations in recent history and the impact was unclear.
However, it didn’t take long for the UK to display the same patterns as other countries affected by Covid-19: we saw an increase in domestic abuse. While it can be easy to assume that home is a safe space, this sadly isn’t always the case. In the first three weeks of lockdown, we tragically saw the highest number of female homicides in any 21-day period for a decade.
Even though lockdown restrictions are now starting to ease, we still need to be recognise domestic abuse and respond to it safely and effectively.
If you’re a Peabody resident and are worried about your relationship, we can help. We can talk to you about your individual circumstances, discuss your housing options and connect you with domestic abuse services.
If you’re worried about someone else, please let them know you - and we - are there to listen when they’re ready to talk.
In an emergency always call 999.
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