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The Regulator of Social Housing has launched a consultation on its latest consumer standards and Code of Practice.  

Published: 10/08/2023

The role of the Regulator of Social Housing  

The Regulator of Social Housing’s main goal is to support a strong and well-run social housing sector that delivers and maintains quality homes that meet a range of needs. It is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Why the consumer standards are being reviewed  

The current standards are being reviewed as the regulator is being given new powers to help improve the quality of housing and services for residents of social housing in a way that lasts. These standards set expectations that social housing landlords, such as Peabody, have to meet and that the regulator will seek assurance against. To support this, the Code of Practice gives examples of the sorts of things landlords should think about to make sure they meet the standards. 

How will we be responding?

We are committed to focusing on what matters most to our residents, working in partnership to shape our services and the way we operate. We welcome the new consumer standards and think they’re a positive step forwards in meeting the diverse needs of residents and ensuring social homes are safe and well maintained. We’ll now be working on a full response to the consultation, and residents’ views will be at the heart of this. Look out for more information on how you can help shape our response over the coming weeks.

How to give your feedback  

We are developing ways for residents to help shape our response and will share these in the coming weeks. Please do watch this space for more information on this, or you can register your interest via The Garden.

You can also respond directly to the RSH by visiting the consultation website for more details and how you can have your say on the revised standards and the Code of Practice. There is also an accessible ‘Easy Read’ summary

The consultation closes on 17 October 2023. 

If you have any questions for the regulator of social housing, please email the Referrals and Regulatory Enquiries team


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