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Joining together update – resident consultation

Peabody and Catalyst logos

In September 2022 we consulted with Catalyst residents on our proposal to change their landlord as the final step in Peabody and Catalyst joining together to create one housing association.

Published: 07/03/2023

Taking this final step in the legal process, the transfer of engagement, would mean Catalyst would no longer exist, and Peabody would become their new landlord.

Around 468 residents responded to the consultation, which is which is around 1.4% of all Catalyst customers. After carefully considering all the feedback, the Catalyst board decided to go ahead with forming a single housing association with Peabody. Catalyst shareholders have also agreed to this merger, which will take place on 3 April.

What residents told us  

25% of people who responded to the consultation were positive about the merger, 45% were neutral, and 24% disagreed with our plans. Customers who were in favour of the merger said they understood the benefits.  

Repairs and poor communication were common themes among residents not in favour of our plans. Some also had concerns that the quality of our services would suffer. A few felt we will become too big and too remote. Several mentioned that it was important that voice of residents is genuinely being heard in our decision-making. We 100 per cent agree with this.  

Our new organisation

Our new organisation is all about getting closer to our residents by taking a local approach. And we will make sure we focus on what our residents, tell us matters the most.

Read our final consultation outcome letter to learn more about how we’ll use this feedback to ensure we offer better services, invest in our existing homes and be more visible and easier to reach in your neighbourhood.

Find out more

Read all of our Catalyst customer consultation communications, FAQs and the final outcome in full.

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