Three people in meeting

Would you like to meet with Peabody colleagues to share your views about how we provide our services and this impacts your home and where you live?

Published: 06/06/2023

Why not join a regional forum near you to ensure you're at the heart of improving our service delivery. By listening to and taking on board your views, we can continue to improve the services we provide.

What are Regional Forums?

The Forums allow residents to speak with Peabody colleagues about things that affect their homes and the areas where they live.

The forums meet at least four times a year, with Resident Associations, local groups, and individual residents welcome to attend to share your thoughts and help us improve services.

How you can join a forum

If you're not currently part of a local forum and want to attend a meeting, please contact our resident involvement team at

Learn more about other ways you get involved

Visit our resident involvement page to learn more about other opportunities and ways you can get involved and share your views on how we can improve the services we provide.

Contact us

Got specific questions about Peabody? We’re always happy to help.