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How to access our Darwin Court safe space

Darwincourt Colleague

We know it isn't easy to find an opportunity to call a helpline or loved one if you're experiencing domestic abuse. Darwin Court is working in partnership with Southwark Council to introduce a safe space room at the centre to help you.  

Published: 23/08/2023

What is domestic abuse? 

Anyone can experience domestic abuse, regardless of sex, gender, age, race, or identity. Domestic abuse isn't always physical violence. It can include emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour. 

What is a safe space? 

A safe space is a quiet and confidential room open to anyone wanting to contact a helpline or loved one. Remember, you don't have to wait for an emergency to find help.  

How to access the Darwin Court safe space 

We've partnered with Southwark Council to provide this safe space room. If you'd like help, please visit Darwin Court and ask the reception team if you can use their safe space. A trained member of the team will show you to the safe space room where you can:  

  • Use the telephone to contact whoever you need.  
  • Find information about domestic abuse support services.  
  • Use the internet to look for help.  

If you visit our weekly food hub, you can also ask a team member who can show you to the safe space room. 

You can visit as often as you need 

We understand it takes time to consider your options and decide your next steps. If you want to come back to look into other support options, please visit our safe space as often as you need.  

How we can support you 

If you are a Peabody resident, our Community Safety Teams can work with you to create an action plan to ensure you get the right support. Please call 0300 123 3456 or visit our domestic abuse page to learn more about how we can support you to get the right help. Remember, you're not alone.  


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