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Help us improve how we manage complaints

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We're undertaking a full review of our complaints process. As part of this review, we're setting up a complaints panel to ensure residents can give views and feedback on how we manage and respond to complaints.

Published: 25/04/2023

Why are we setting up the complaints panel?

The complaints panel will provide resident insight to help us improve how we manage complaints and respond when things go wrong. In addition, it'll support us in shaping how we work with the Housing Ombudsman to improve our processes and implement their recommendations.

What's involved in being a panel member?

The Panel will play an essential role in shaping our new approach to managing complaints. Some of your key responsibilities will be:

  • Help us monitor how we improve complaints and respond to the Housing Ombudsman's recommendations.
  • Work with other panel members and Peabody colleagues to provide a resident perspective.
  • Support us in identifying lessons we can learn and best practices.
  • Use your skills, knowledge and experience to suggest improvements to the complaints process.

How much time is involved in being on the panel?

We plan to hold six meetings throughout the length of this project. Therefore, we expect the project to last around six months, starting with our first project meeting on Monday 22 May.

Most meetings will be held in person at our Westminster Bridge Office in the evenings, from 6pm-7.30pm. Some sessions will be held online via video conference and at different times.

You'll need to prepare for each meeting by reading reports and considering decisions and matters for discussion. We can provide you with any additional training and equipment you may need to attend any meetings too.  

The role is voluntary and not paid. However, you can claim expenses for any costs related to attending meetings, including travel and childcare expenses.

Who can apply?

You must be over 18 years of age and a Peabody resident to apply, and we encourage residents of all ages and cultural backgrounds. 

You don't need experience in another resident group to apply for this role. However, you must demonstrate that you have the right skills or can develop them with our support.

How to apply?

Visit our customer engagement platform, The Garden, where you can learn more about the purpose of the complaints panel, the role and complete our application form.

Please submit your completed application on The Garden by 5pm on 2 May.

There's also an optional equality and diversity questionnaire that you can choose to complete. 

Find out more

If you have any questions or need any of the information or forms in a different format, please contact or call 0300 123 3456 and to speak to the Customer Engagement and Resident Involvement team.

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