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Creating the right opportunities together


Thanks to everyone who joined the Customer Engagement team at our resident listening sessions to discuss how we can work together to design the right engagement opportunities for you.

Published: 30/06/2023

Almost a hundred residents attended our in-person and online sessions. 

What we learned 

You told us that the main reasons for getting involved were dissatisfaction with our services and wanting to encourage a sense of community where you live. You also told us that we must recognise everyone's different circumstances with any engagement opportunities we offer. 

The five main priorities that came through in the listening sessions were: 

Keeping things local 

You want to see our neighbourhood colleagues in and around your communities so they're available to help you sort things out when they go wrong.  

Being kept informed 

You want us to tell you how we use your feedback and what will change once you engage with us. 

Engaging in the right ways for you 

You don't just want to join a panel or group and have meetings. You want ways to influence the way we deliver our services that are quick and easy and fit in with your other commitments.  

We're easy to contact, and you speak to the right people 

You want us to be clear in how we communicate with you, give timely and relevant information, and be proactive in resolving service issues. 

Using the right technology to communicate  

Many of you already use digital platforms such as WhatsApp and Facebook to communicate within your neighbourhoods, and you're keen to self-serve for information using digital platforms. However, you want everything to be easily accessible and in one place. 

What happens now? 

We're working with our resident action group to co-design how we'll engage with you in the future. 

This includes looking at the service standards we set, our approach to local engagement, and how we work with teams within Peabody to influence meaningful change. 

The group will present their report to our Customer Experience Committee and our group Board at the end of July to ensure we include the voice of the residents at every level of Peabody. 

All the findings presented by the action group will then directly influence all the new opportunities available both locally and across Peabody that you can get involved with. 

Learn more about our recent listening sessions 

Visit our online engagement platform, The Garden, to learn more about everything we discussed and give your feedback on the five priorities.