We know summer is a great time to get together with friends or family.

Published: 30/05/2024

Enjoying food and refreshments on balconies is the perfect way to spend time together. But, if you’re having hot food, please make sure you cook it indoors as BBQs aren’t allowed on balconies. That’s because of the fire risk to you and your neighbours. 

If you are heating up the BBQ outside, here are our fire safety guidelines: 

  • Always use a BBQ outside, away from your home and any trees, sheds or other structures. 
  • If you use fire lighters, avoid using petrol, paraffin or any flammable liquids. You can pick up firelighter bricks from your local supermarket. 
  • Keep a close eye on children and pets as accidents can easily happen around live flames.  
  • If you’re cooking, keep alcoholic drinks to a minimum – or ideally don’t drink alcohol at all. 
  • Take care when moving BBQ grills as they can stay hot for hours after being extinguished. 
  • Allow BBQs to air out before bringing them back home as they give off carbon monoxide fumes for several hours after they’ve been put out. 

The London Fire Brigade website also has useful advice about how to barbecue safely. 

We’re working to keep you safe. We regularly carry out fire risk assessments on our buildings and make sure we deal with any issues promptly.

Find out more about we keep you safe and what you and your family can do to keep everyone safe. 

We also check external walls, carry out fire safety door checks and ensure communal areas are clear to help stop the spread of fire and smoke. 

In an emergency, always call 999. 

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