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Are you unhappy with how we’re managing damp and mould in your home?

Hand with cloth cleaning window

Nobody should have to put up with damp and mould in their home. So, if you tell us about a problem like this, we'll act fast to sort it out. 

Published: 04/04/2023

But if you're unhappy with how we're handling things, you can make a complaint anytime.

Some solicitors may approach you about making a legal claim against us for damp and mouldy conditions. They may offer a 'no win, no fee' arrangement, but we believe this isn't always the best option for you.

Our complaints process is a simpler and more effective way to resolve issues. It's free to use and can lead to a quicker solution that benefits everyone. It also helps us to learn and improve our service for all our residents.

Our complaints process enables us to work with you to find a solution that works for everyone. And if you're still not satisfied, you can ask the Housing Ombudsman Service to review your complaint. They can order us to take action and even award you compensation if needed.

How to make a complaint

If you're unhappy with how we're investigating your home's damp and mould problem, you can use our online form to make a formal complaint.

Our Complaints team will acknowledge your complaint and take the necessary steps to investigate what has gone wrong and what needs to happen to put things right. Visit how we deal with complaints to learn more about the process and what you can expect once you've logged a complaint.

How to report a damp and mould issue

If you’re experiencing damp and mould issues in your home, please get in touch with us immediately. We understand how distressing this can be and want to put it right. We have a specialist team in place, and it is our priority to make sure everyone has a warm, safe and dry home.

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