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£5 weekly food shops at Peabody's new Community Hub

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We've opened a new Community Hub in Havering with the local council. People living in the area can drop in to use our affordable food pantry and get free, confidential support with anything from budgeting to finding employment.

Published: 10/09/2021

Food pantry 

For just £5 per week, pantry users can take home food worth over £15. Affordable goods on offer include fresh fruit, vegetables, frozen and canned food. The pantry helps residents reduce their weekly costs and it also cuts down supermarket food waste.

One pantry user said: "It’s a brilliant service – it really helps and takes the weight off and covers staples. We could all do with a bit of extra help at the moment after the year we’ve had. It’s brilliant, really straightforward and I love the setup. You’ve got fresh ingredients and tinned stuff. There’s a bit of a stigma around asking for help but I think you should ask for help before it gets too much."

And another visitor added: "I’m using the pantry so I’ve got spare money to take the children to different activities in the summer and not worry about if I’m going to have enough for food. It was a bit daunting but it's been a relaxing experience for me - you're not asked questions about why you’re here. It’s great because it’s helping us, helping the environment and promoting less waste.” 

The pantry is run by volunteers, managed by our staff, and most of the stock is donated by large supermarkets through the FareShare programme. Mary, a local resident who volunteers at the pantry, says: 'It’s lovely – I volunteer two days a week. I help Peabody when the stocks come in, helping in the shop and setting out tables. It’s very exciting – a great idea. The staff are great – it’s hard work and they’re always on their feet!” 

Free support 

Havering residents aged 16 and over can also drop into the Community Hub to receive free, confidential advice from our support workers: 

  • Tuesdays 1pm to 5pm: General support around topics such as budgeting, applying for benefits, IT skills, mental health and relationships. 
  • Thursdays 1pm to 5pm: Employment, training and volunteering support. 

There’s no need to book. To ask a question about the service please email or call 01708 776770.  

The Community Hub is located at: Harold Hill Community Hub, Chippenham Road, Romford, RM3 8YF. 

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