Making your money go further

We're supporting Talk Money Week to encourage everyone to talk openly about their finances.
Published: 07/11/2023
Having conversations about money can seem awkward, especially when you're feeling concerned. Talk Money Week is an opportunity to start talking about money more openly.
With energy and fuel prices rising and the general cost of living still high, getting your money to cover essential items such as bills, food, work, and school necessities can feel tricky.
If you've already looked at your outgoings and reduced them as much as possible, there are other ways to boost your incomings and make your money go further.
Take the downshift challenge
Words like 'premium', 'own brand' and 'luxury' can make us believe a product is better and should cost more. So, the next time you shop, try swapping a few products to just one brand level lower – it'll help save you money, and you likely won't even be able to tell the difference!
Grab coupons and online codes
Using coupons and online codes can help you cut money off your shopping and save you £100s a year. Visit MoneySavingExpert to find a list of all the latest savings on selected products at the big supermarkets.
Are you entitled to cheap or free prescriptions?
If you're over 60, in full-time education, pregnant, or receive income support, jobseeker's allowance, employment and support allowance, or pension credit - you're entitled to free prescriptions. You're also entitled to free prescriptions if you receive Universal Credit, and your earnings for the most recent assessment period were £435 or less.
Alternatively, if you're not eligible for free prescriptions but use them regularly, you can get a prepayment certificate to help you save.
Check what help you can get from your local council
Your local council might be able to help you pay for day-to-day essentials such as a hot meal, second-hand furniture or household appliances. Visit to find out who your local council is and what they offer.
Get an interest-free loan to pay for essentials
You can get a budgeting loan for essentials like clothing or a washing machine if you claim certain benefits.
Additional support
Your energy provider can help you if you're struggling to pay your bills. Many offer debt repayment plans, payment breaks, emergency credit for prepayment metered customers, priority support and schemes like the Winter Fuel Payment or Warm Home Discount Scheme.
Breathing Space Scheme This government scheme is to help give you time to receive debt advice and find a solution to debt problems. Once you've accessed a breathing space, creditors must stop all action concerning the debt until the breathing space has ended.
Citizens Advice offer free advice, such as ways to access grants to help pay off any debts and other ways you can get help if you're struggling with living costs.
Financial support calculators can help you find out what benefits you may be entitled to or help you start thinking about how you manage your money better.
Need more support?
We're here to help you keep warm and save money and support you with any financial and wellbeing concerns you may have. Visit our supporting you and winter-ready pages to learn more.
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