Peabody Rebecca with her poetry book

Rebecca is living in one of our supported housing schemes while she recovers from mental ill health. She recently started a course at university and published her first poetry book.

Published: 07/04/2023

We asked Rebecca about the inspiration behind her poetry, her supported housing scheme, and what she’s planning next.

How does it feel to be a published poet?

“I’m really proud and can hold the hardcopy and think ‘I did that!’. I’ve liked writing since I was a little girl, when I used to ask my teacher for extra homework. Since living here, Monika, my Support Worker, has helped me develop this hobby.”

What’s the inspiration behind your poetry?

“Writing poetry can be emotional, but it’s just natural and easy for me to write.

“My book is called ‘Thrills and Daffodils’, and nature has been a big poetic inspiration for me. It inspires me to put colours into my poetry.

“We’re going to start growing things in the garden here soon. We’ll each get a bit of land to grow whatever we like. I want to grow fruit, like strawberries, and maybe some tulips, roses and daffodils. I don’t mind insects coming to the garden too, as long as there are no wasps!”

Tell us about your home

“I’ve lived in this scheme for about a year and really like it. It’s the best place I’ve stayed so far. And I know that if I ever need support, at night or during the day, I can get help. It’s good that I’ve lived here because otherwise I might have stopped taking my medicine or something. Here, I have structure to my day, so everything works out.”

Tell us about your support worker

“Monika, my support worker, helps me with lots of things in my life: arranging doctors’ appointments, applying for benefits, even publishing my book. She’s very nice and easy to talk to. She always listens and I feel she understands me. If I ever had a problem I didn’t want to tell anyone, I’d still tell her.

“Monika arranges lots of activities, like movie nights, bingo, smoothie nights, barbeques, and Christmas dinners. She’s really funny too – her mum’s Jamaican, so she tells me stories about her. And she’s always making us tea!

What’s next for you?

“I’ve written some more poetry since my book was published, but I want it to grow into a thriller novel. I have a great idea, and hopefully will be able to share it with the world soon.

“I’m also currently doing a Business and Marketing course at uni. It’s a big step for me, as hopefully it will help me get a job in marketing. Monika supports by testing me, reading my work and pointing out things I could improve. She even helps me get up at 6am so I can get to uni on time. She’ll just buzz and buzz the doorbell until I can’t take any more and have to get up haha.

“Eventually, I want to open a children’s home, as I grew up in care.”

Monika, Support Worker, added:

“Rebecca has come on leaps and bounds since she moved here, and it has been a pleasure to support her journey. One of the techniques she’s using is called the five to thrive approach, which helps her manage and improve her wellbeing, confidence and independence.

“This involves:
1. Connecting with others
2. Being active
3. Taking notice of the world
4. Learning and trying new things
5. Giving back through acts of kindness

“I’m very proud of Rebecca for everything she’s achieved. And I know she’ll go far.”

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