Photograph of Petra, Peabody staff and Patrick, Peabody resident from Hackney

Our team members Petra and Maureen supported Patrick when he was struggling financially.

Published: 29/09/2022

Our team members Petra and Maureen supported Patrick when he was struggling financially.

Patrick lives in Hackney and has been battling cancer. When he fell behind on rent, our team members Petra and Maureen supported him with vouchers and helped him with his benefits application. He qualified for Personal Independence Payment, which was backdated and came to more than £4,000. We also supported him to manage his Universal Credit as he does not have access to the internet.

Petra and Maureen, they have done marvellously good work in my life. They’ve made me think there’s more life to live. They are very wonderful human beings and I pray God will continue to bless them - the two of them are too good to me. The service is fantastic.

If I start explaining to you the improvement that happened in my life, you can’t believe it. I never thought this was possible, but it was. I got to know Petra and Maureen – they gave me hope.

Petra and Maureen told us: “We’re in here, fighting for our clients. When we see that we can financially make someone’s life that much easier – that’s what gets us up in the morning. I see the person, and when the person has a problem I want to try and fix it. I’m pleased now that Patrick can concentrate on his health and wellbeing.”


We know this is a tough time and if you need it, we can help.

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