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Pulling together to ensure we don't waste food this winter

Food collections in piles

The Felix Project, the London based food redistribution charity, holds an annual mass redistribution event to ensure surplus food doesn't go to waste over Christmas and into the New Year.

Published: 24/02/2023

Our Community Partnership Coordinator, Emma Hanbury, got involved in helping customer volunteers from across the Peabody Group redistribute this surplus food, which usually ends up in landfill, to their neighbours and local communities instead.

Working with teams across the Group, Emma linked up existing food banks and pantries from our neighbourhoods with The Felix Project to help them redistribute over ten tons of surplus food over Christmas and New Year.

The hard work and tenacity of our resident volunteers at Friary Park food insecurity project, Divine Buzz at Thamesmead, Nicola Walters at West Thamesmead and Kidsfest at The Moorings Social Club helped individuals and families within our local communities receive:

• Five tons of surplus food to 457 individuals and families over five days. With over 20 volunteers working on Christmas and New Year's Eve at Friary Park.
• Divine Buzz delivered two tons of food to individuals and families at Thamesmead.
• One ton of food to 350 individuals at West Thamesmead, distributed by residents and colleague volunteers.
• Three tons of food to 400 individuals and families – a fantastic effort from Tochi from Kidsfest with her family and volunteers from the community

“Families and older people benefited. They were appreciative to receive the food, especially since it came during the holidays. Most families and older people said it would help them save money, which they will use to buy gas, electricity, and other necessities.” Ellen, Divine Buzz

A huge well done and thank you to everyone who volunteered to support this event. Everyone really appreciated all your hard work.

What's next for food insecurity projects

As a sector Housing Associations (HAs) across London have responded to food insecurity by offering a range of support to foodbanks, food pantries, social supermarkets, food redistribution services, community gardens, community kitchens and a range of training programmes covering topics such as cooking healthy meals on a budget. Our Communities Business Development Team is currently working with HACT and The Felix Project to look at how we can, as a sector, take a more strategic and joined up approach to tackling food insecurity and drive collaboration.

“Recent research by the London Assembly revealed that a quarter of a million children are living in food poverty across London, and it is the poorest households, often those living in social housing, who are most impacted. The scale of the challenge facing communities across London cannot be addressed by HAs and their partners operating in isolation. Joined up responses that are tailored to the needs of residents and local communities are needed, not only in the short term, but in the long term to reduce food insecurity across the capital.” Andrea Purslow, Business Development Manager

Do you have an idea for a community food project near you?

If you'd like to start a community project such as a food pantry, community kitchen, pop-up larder or something similar, the team would love to hear from you.

Please get in touch with Emma from the projects team at to find out more about how they can support you with accessing training and qualification, grants, funding and more.

We’re here to help

We know that the cost of living for a lot of our customers is going up with rent and service charge, utilities and other bills increasing.

Visit our cost-of-living support page to learn more about the different ways we can support you.

Our Support Finder can help you find organisations and resources based on where you live and the type of support you’re looking for.

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