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Meet Michelle who tells us why she is happy in her work.

Published: 20/03/2024

Michelle is a Team Manager at a care home in Essex for adults who have learning disabilities, epilepsy and dysphagia.

Why do you enjoy working in care?

"Every day is different and, to be truthful, it might sound like a bit of a cliché, but I love going in to see our residents. You know, they get excited to see you, and they want to know where they’re going and what they’re going to do today. It’s really fantastic.

"Being in care is about making people’s lives better and I just love it. I love seeing the smiles on our residents’ faces and giving them the opportunity to do things they’ve never done before. Like going on a cruise and visiting Disneyland Paris. It just gives you a buzz. The satisfaction that you’ve achieved something for someone is incredible".

How did you get into care?

“I started in 1999 as a Support Worker and didn’t know if the job would be for me because not everyone likes working in care. But as soon as I started, I just thought ‘Wow, this is it.’ I could give something back to our residents, and, to be truthful, they gave a lot more back to me. I knew that this was where I wanted to be, so I started working my way up.

“I joined Peabody nearly 25 years ago. The business gave me the opportunity to grow my career, which is really good.”

What do you look for when you recruit people?

“When I interview people, I look at their values rather than their skills or experience. You can tell a lot about whether someone is going to do well in care from their attitude and the way they think about people.

“I still remember someone who didn’t work in care telling me they weren’t sure if it would be right for them. But I thought she had a really good, caring nature, so we gave her a chance to find out for herself. After a day on the job she said to me: ‘oh my gosh, it’s not what I thought it was. Can I come back, can I come back?’ She stayed with us for 8 years.”

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