Charity golf event

Golf day raises money for Friends of Bruce House.
Published: 23/09/2020
A charity golf day was recently held at the Redlibbets Golf Club in Kent. The event was in aid of the Friends of Bruce House, a small organisation providing vital support to vulnerable people.
28 people came along on the day. After 'teeing off' in the sun, they later enjoyed a socially distanced awards ceremony on the putting green (below).
The day was "refreshingly relaxed and friendly" and a good time was had by all - plus £600 was raised for a good cause.
About the Friends of Bruce House
Bruce House is a small Peabody Community Centre in the heart of Covent Garden. It provides a safe space for social activities and group sessions which are free and open to all. Many of the people accessing the centre are unemployed, on low incomes or struggling with isolation.
Friends of Bruce House delivers a range of activities, all with a focus on improving wellbeing and providing community support. These activities give some of the most marginalised a voice and help the most vulnerable get back on their feet.
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