Changes to our gas servicing contractors

To help us achieve our ambition of delivering an effortless experience for our customers, we’re making some changes to how our gas servicing is carried out.
Published: 08/03/2021
From 1 April 2021, we’ll be working with different contractors to carry out our gas services. Peabody Group Maintenance (PGM), Robert Heath and TSG, will take over heating repairs and gas servicing in all of our homes in London, from our current contractor, Mears.
PGM is the in-house contractor for Peabody, offering a customer-led service, dedicated to getting the work completed quickly and efficiently. Robert Heath and TSG have an excellent track record of working on our homes, successfully delivering our gas servicing and repairs for residents.
For more information
If you have any questions about this, please contact our Customer hub on 0300 123 3456.
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