Can I make a card payment if I am under a court order?

Yes, you can make a payment. You can call us to pay with your debit or credit card (except for American Express or Diners Club cards) on 0300 123 3456 8am–8pm, Monday to Friday and 9am–1pm on Saturdays. You can also call our allpay payment line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0330 041 6497. Calls to this number are charged at your standard local rate and you will need the 19 digit number on your rent payment card.

Can I make a full payment to stop my eviction?

Yes you can. Please call us on 0300 123 3456 and ask to speak to a collections officer, who will discuss how this is possible.

Does Peabody provide a debt advice service to residents?

If you have bills or borrowing that you cannot afford, you can get free, independent debt advice from a regulated service. A debt advisor can help you get some breathing space to manage your situation better and work out the best way forward.

These organisations offer free debt support:

Citizens Advice
Christians Against Poverty

Alternatively, Peabody have a Welfare, benefits and money advice service available for all Peabody residents. Complete the webform on our website if you wish to speak to a Peabody specialist advisor.

How can I stop the bailiff from carrying out my rent arrears eviction?

If the bailiff is there and the warrant has not been executed yet, you would need to call us on 0300 123 3456 and clear all arrears and any outstanding costs.

What happens if I receive a Notice of Seeking Possession (NOSP) due to rent arrears?

Please try and clear the full balance in your account and contact your collections officer immediately on 0300 123 3456.

Failure to respond to the NOSP or make full payment, may result in an application being made to the County Court to seek possession of your property.

What is a court order?

During a possession hearing a judge can grant a court order which instructs you to make payments to Peabody to clear your rent arrears. If this order is breached you may face eviction from your property.

What is a stay hearing?

If you receive an eviction date you can make an application to the County Court to have your eviction cancelled or suspended.

The court will then grant you a hearing date which is known as a ‘stay hearing’. These hearings will generally take place before the scheduled eviction date.


What is a suspended warrant?

If you receive an eviction date, you can make an application to the County Court to have your eviction suspended based on any new payment terms.

This is sometimes referred to as a ‘stay’. If the judge grants the application then this is known as a ‘suspended warrant’ order.

What should I do if I receive an eviction letter?

If you can, clear the arrears immediately.

Call Peabody on 0300 123 3456 and ask to speak to the Collections team. They will be able to advise you as to how they can support you.

We also recommend that you seek independent legal advice.

What will happen if my rent account is in arrears when I move out?

You should clear the arrears as soon as possible.

If you are unable to do this, please call us on 0300 123 3456 and ask to speak to the the Collections Team to discuss how they will be paid.

If payment is not made, the Collections team will continue to chase and may refer the case to a third party trace and collection agency.

Who should I speak to if I am in rent arrears?

There are many ways we can support you with rent arrears.

The most important thing is that you seek advice as soon as possible from our collections team. You can contact the team by calling us on 0300 123 3456, or by submitting a webform via our website.

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See all the ways you can get in touch with us to talk about your rent and finances, household permissions, neighbourhood enquiries and repairs.