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How partnership working is helping to connect the community

Darwin Court Food Hub Image

With over 40 residents registered to receive weekly food parcels from the Darwin Court food hub, it's already making a positive impact for our residents since its doors opened in August this year.

Published: 24/10/2023

The service has grown since it started a food distribution service for elderly and vulnerable residents in the area during the Covid-19 lockdowns. It now has a dedicated hub area with refrigeration for perishable items and shop floor shelving to help residents choose what they need. 

The hub has been able to grow and help residents because of the centre's partnerships. Centres and Services Manager - Julia put forward a business case for a dedicated Hub Coordinator to help manage the service. She also worked with one of our maintenance contractors, Purdy, to help fund this as a longer-term project. Purdy invested in the refrigeration units, routinely help boost the hub's weekly food supply and provide regular volunteers to support food distribution each week. 

Darwin Court's Coffee Shop Manager, John, and Barista, Eleni, are on hand throughout the week helping to take donations from local businesses such as Tesco, KFC, Nandos, and our charity partners, The Felix Project and City Harvest. They'll then use this to prepare the food hub for when residents arrive on a Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon.  

The centre has a real sense of community, with residents saying hello to the team and each other while waiting to be served. Many residents who come to the hub are from the flats above Darwin Court. However, many using the service come from local Peabody estates, too.  

Residents come to pick up cupboard staples such as eggs, milk and bread, but they appreciate it's a way to get to know each other too. "I live in a local Peabody estate. This is an excellent service that helps me a lot. I also get to meet my neighbours and have a chat." 

The food hub now has many regulars who come once a week to pick up additional food items. As one resident says: "It helps me a lot. It tops up my weekly shop and stops me from being hungry. Thank you to everyone running the service." 

There are plans to open the food hub on a Saturday to help any residents who can't make it to the centre during the week. Remember to check our website, social media and local notice boards in the area to learn more. 

How the hub can help you 

The hub is open twice a week. Tuesdays from 9.30am – 12.30pm and Thursdays from 3.30 - 6.30pm.  

The food hub is a free service for all Peabody residents. You don't need a referral or food vouchers, but please bring something to show you're a Peabody resident.  

Once registered, you'll need to give your name when you arrive and wait until one of the volunteers is ready to help you choose your items. You can choose from the shelves and refrigerators with up to 12 items available. 

The team asks you to register the first time you visit, and they'll ask your name each time because this service is for Peabody residents. It also helps John and Eleni keep an idea of the numbers so they know how much food and supplies they need each week. 

The food available does change each week. However, there's usually a supply of fresh fruit and vegetables, store cupboard staples, toiletries, baby products and more.  

Visit our events page to learn more, or contact if you have any questions. 

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