What is anti-social behaviour, or ASB?

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) includes a wide range of behaviour that causes nuisance or annoyance to our residents, their families, our staff and others living or working in the community. It is also behaviour that causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress, or using / threatening to use housing for an unlawful purpose.

ASB can affect some people more than others so we always look at the individual’s experience and the impact the behaviour has.

Examples of Anti-social behaviour includes: domestic abuse; noise nuisance; threats and actual violence; environmental anti-social behaviour; vehicle crime; drug use or dealing; rowdy or drunken behaviour; gun or knife crime; hate crime; verbal abuse; intimidation and harassment; nuisance or dangerous dogs; gangs or group disorder.


Can I report anti-social behaviour (ASB) anonymously?

Yes, any customer can report ASB anonymously. However, please be aware that it can prove difficult to investigate and gather evidence without access to full details.

Can you help me if I am experiencing domestic abuse?

Yes, we would encourage you to call us if you are experiencing Domestic abuse. Our Resident Safety Team will initially ask you a few questions so that we can assess any risk factors and provide appropriate support.

You can call us on 0300 123 3456 or contact us via the webform on our website.

How do you deal with Anti-social behaviour reports?

Our Resident Safety and ASB Hub (RSAH) will receive contact from tenants via all channels (voice, e-mail, social media posts, etc.), and each team member has adequate time to handle each report appropriately.

The RSAH team will triage the incident, and will signpost to relevant services, or raise a case to the Neighbourhood manager as appropriate.

How can I report anti-social behaviour (ASB)?

You can report an Antisocial Behaviour incident to our Resident Safety Team by calling 0300 123 3456 or by completing the dedicated webform on the 'contact us' page on our website.

How do I appeal against a closure of an anti-social behaviour (ASB) case?

If you are unhappy with how a ASB case has been handled, then you can raise a complaint about this. You can speak to the Customer Hub and raise a complaint over the phone on 0300 123 3456. Alternatively, you can complete a complaints form.

How do I report that a neighbour is taking or smoking drugs?

You should report your concerns to the police in the first instance as they have statutory powers to investigate allegations of drug use. To do so please call your local station, or contact them via their website.

Once you have reported this issue, and you have an incident number, please contact us on 0300 123 3456 or via the online webform

Our Resident Safety Team will be able to investigate your concerns.

What are examples of personal anti-social behaviour (ASB) incidents?

Personal ASB includes actions which are likely to affect, or have affected, a specific person or group.

Examples include: violence, human trafficking, honour based violence, modern slavery, violence, criminal damage, dangerous dogs, sexual offences, verbal abuse, harassment/intimidation, arson, gun or knife crime, threats of violence, domestic abuse, hate crime and radicalisation.

You can report any of the above by telephone on 0300 123 3456, or via the online webform

We will respond to reports of ASB within one working day. However, if reporting by telephone through the Customer Hub you will receive a verbal response straight away.

What are examples of environmental anti-social behaviour (ASB) incidents?

Environmental ASB includes issues that relate to the communal areas and living spaces.

Examples include: fly tipping, misuse of waste disposal, abandoned cars, graffiti, feeding birds, dog fouling, drug paraphernalia, and fly tipping.

We do not categorise these issues as ASB, however our Estate Services team are able to investigate and resolve these types of incidents.

You can report an environmental issue to Peabody in a number of ways:

By calling us on 0300 123 3456.
Via the online webform.

What are the response times for anti-social behaviour incidents?

Peabody aim to respond to all Anti-social behaviour reports within 1 working day. However, if reporting by telephone through the Customer Hub you will receive a verbal response straight away.


What is mediation?

Mediation is a way of resolving disagreements within the community through the help of an independent third party,  the mediator. The aim is to bring people together to talk over their problems and difficulties, and to help them to focus on the future rather than dwell on the past.

Mediation may be one of the intervention options discussed when working to resolve cases of anti-social behaviour.

What issues are not considered anti-social behaviour (ASB)?

We encourage all residents to respect each other and be mindful of how their lifestyle may affect others. Sometimes, these lifestyles can clash but are not considered anti-social behaviour. Examples include:

1. Minor disagreements between neighbours.

2. Noise from everyday living, such as babies crying, children playing, one-off parties, white goods or noise caused by pets.

3. Lifestyle differences, such as cooking odours, putting rubbish out on the wrong day or reasonable noise occurring at unusual times because of different working patterns.

You should first try speaking to your neighbour. It’s likely that your neighbour would prefer that you speak to them first before contacting us as they may not be aware they are causing a problem.

In most cases, where it's safe to do so, most residents should be able to resolve disputes themselves. We will record all reports of ASB but will only take action or investigate what we feel is genuine ASB or behaviour which is caused by someone acting unreasonably.


When an anti-social behaviour report is made, will the perpetrator be contacted?

Yes, to resolve any anti-social behaviour (ASB) case that involves an alleged perpetrator, the ASB team or the assigned Neighbourhood Experience Manager will contact them, as long as the complainant agrees to it.

When can an anti-social behaviour (ASB) case be closed?

We will agree an action plan with the complainant and any witnesses and keep them informed of the actions we take. We will contact them when we close a case, giving our reasons for doing so.

We will close a case after investigation and appropriate action is taken and where:
• it is successfully resolved;
• there are no further reports for a period of 6 weeks (unless we have begun legal
action or are gathering further evidence) or earlier if agreed with the complainant;
• no further action can be taken.

Who can report cases of anti-social behaviour (ASB)?

All residents, tenants, leaseholders and other members of our communities are encouraged to report anti-social behaviour, and its effects.

You can report an Antisocial Behaviour incident to our Resident Safety Team by calling 0300 123 3456 or by completing the dedicated webform on the 'contact us' page on our website.


Who do I report a vandalised, or faulty CCTV camera to?

To report this as a new repair, please call the Customer Hub Repairs Team on 0300 123 3456.

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